Meet the Artist Behind Clay and Chain
Well, hey there!
My creative journey started in my childhood bedroom. There I was living in a small town, attempting to keep myself occupied. I hand wrote novels and hid them under my bed, slowly working on them secretly past bedtime. I taught myself how to draw different figures like one of my favorites, Goofy.
It was a bit later that I discovered clay and I didn’t fall in love with it until it was the right time for me to fully submerse myself in the art and in the creative process.
I steered myself into college studying marketing, gained my MBA with a 4.0, and I’m currently enroute to achieve a Master’s in Government from Johns Hopkins University where I have a 3.9 gpa.
In my downtime I put on music and get lost in my art studio. It’s only me and my project, nothing else, which is what I love about clay art and fashion. As an advocate of all self-expression, creating jewelry and curating select pieces allows me to express myself with the latest trends (a confessed hobby of mine is scrolling fashion magazines).
Clay and Chain is the perfect outlet and creative passion to let loose and help others express themselves and feel most confident.
And that’s only the beginning. I’ve now expanded Clay and Chain into a contemporary boutique, featuring curated everyday wear for women looking to have a select pieces on trend, feel comfortable, and into supporting independent designers with a point of view.
Take a look around and let me know what you think!
6 things you probably don’t know about me…
I’m a Libra, a seeker of all things to be in balance. One big thing that my circle says I excel at is creating Life-Work balance and I’m proud of that. You can find me outdoors exploring.
I was an early entrepreneur with a lot of creativity. My first businesses were selling used birthday balloons door-to-door and charging admissions into a themed broken down barn. I love to turn things that aren’t at their best into their highest potential.
I have a life motto on a sticky note on my computer. It’s a reminder to “live, not merely exist.” We have abundant choices, let’s explore! I love taking adventures and trying new things.
I was the first in my family to go to college. I often had more than one job while going to school. This is where my belief started – anyone can achieve what they envision, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into.
As time has gone on, I’ve learned that failing is all part of the process. And when we do fail, we learn. When that happens, we fail forward and we grow. I love taking time for reflection.
Flashback to one of my first conference speaking engagements. I came off that stage with the biggest smile. I lived one of my greatest passions… communicating and bringing people together to get things done! #onwardandupward
Let’s Talk
Get in touch
with Kristi
Reach out with any questions, comments, and of course, happy to take any compliments and improvements as Clay and Chain grows.
©2024 Clay and Chain. All Rights Reserved.